The Challenge
The Peanut Butter Approach

This approach assumes a cohort of leaders will benefit from a uniform approach to development, much like a sandwich uses an even layer of peanut butter.
The problem with this approach is that not all leaders begin development programs at the same starting line. Some individuals might be ahead based on tenure, education, or experience, while others might be behind due to lack of visible, emergent behaviors, or—worse, but perhaps as common—due to bias and lack of previous opportunity.
These individual differences mean leaders have uniquely different needs for development. The same approach won’t work for everyone.

The Solution
Take Advantage of Individual Differences

Oversimplified questions such as “Does this person drive results?” often lack answers that are useful for development.
But considering individual differences—“How does this person drive results?”—can provide meaningful insight.
If your organization has invested in assessments, don’t leave that value on the shelf! Use the assessment data throughout the development program to help leaders understand individual differences and learn to leverage them. Depending on the structure of your program, you might use assessment data in business simulations, action learning projects, presentations, or even process coaching.
Imagine how powerful it would be for a leader undergoing development to become aware of a behavior described by assessment results as it surfaces in real time.