The Challenge
Disconnected Development Processes

Suppose you have an assessment or two, a learning experience, and a coaching program.
If these don’t connect, the overall program probably makes about as much sense as a box of puzzle pieces. This phenomenon is unfortunately common. Individualized assessment is completed, and then every leader moves through identical program steps, all focused on the same competencies.
On the contrary, think about the experience of working with a personal trainer. The first step, assessment, gives the trainer the information they need to offer you personalized education and design a unique fitness plan for you to apply. If the trainer is effective, each new component will build on the previous. Then, the trainer will check in on your progress regularly, adjusting as needed.

The Solution
Fix the Broken Link

What if you were to connect each leader’s assessment, curriculum, and development plan?
Leaders would acquire self-knowledge through assessment feedback, gaining an understanding of how others are likely to perceive their strengths and opportunities for improvement. Then, leaders would build on that self-knowledge during the learning experience. Later, leaders would incorporate both the assessment insights and the knowledge gained from the learning experience into their development plans (perhaps even with a coach to check in!).
Leaders don’t have to remember your development program as a series of events they participated in over a certain period of time. Building seamless links between the elements of your program will enable leaders to see both the big picture and the small, achievable steps they need to take every day to take their teams to the next level.